
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Tip: Amazon's Name Brand Diapers

I have to put in another plug for Amazon, the best shopping site in the world...
I am currently getting diapers delivered to my home every month for $33.03 total.  This is for the size 5, Pampers Baby Dry, 172 count.  I don't pay tax and I don't pay shipping.  This same box of diapers costs $45.99 at Babies R Us and $44.99 at Target, plus tax.  All I did was sign up through Amazon as an "Amazon Mom" (automatic 15% off), and then I chose the "subscribe and save" option (another automatic 15% off).  Shipping is free and most of the time I can get the 2-day shipping for free.  I can change the size, brand, count, or frequency of deliveries whenever I want.  Plus, I can stack coupons on top of this offer if I have any (Parents magazine frequently has 20% off coupons). 

I'm doing this with our baby wipes too.  At Babies R Us, ONE 184-count package of Huggies refills wipes costs $7.39.  I am getting THREE 184-count packages of Huggies wipes from Amazon Moms for $15.07 .  That's $5.02 per package.  You can't beat that!   

I am all for the generic diapers and wipes at Walmart and Target too.  My baby boy wore the Up and Parents' Choice diapers for most of his first year.  As he has gotten older, though, I have personally found Pampers Baby Dry to be the best, with regards to absorbency.  And I love the Huggies baby wipes.... smell and quality.  :)


  1. I finally went to sign up for Amazon mom a couple of weeks ago b/c the diapers we were given while I was prego were running low. But guess what?? I'm on a waiting list to join! What??

  2. Seriously?!?! Well glad you got on the wait list... it will pay off! But that is still crazy that they are making it all VIP! :)
