
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Choo Choo Soul

Does this lady look familiar to you?

How about now?

Yep, it's Genevieve, the Choo Choo Soul Conductor, who brings a little bit of ghetto each morning to the Disney Channel.  My apologies if you or your kiddos like her.  She gets on my nerves.  Even more now after this posting.  I cringe everytime those dumb Choo Choo Soul segments come on.  (Those Small Potatoes segments bug me too, but I should devote a separate posting to those silly little British Tater Tots because they really don't annoy me nearly as much as Genevieve or her songs.)  Anyway, some of my girlfriends (who find the Choo Choo Soul Conductor equally annoying) clued me in to Genevieve's other career aspirations.  Just doing my duty and giving you other moms some insight into the real Genevieve.


  1. My wife and I just had a baby girl 2 months ago and one day we put this show on and my daughter went quiet and now loves this show. I think that this show is wonderful for kids. Keep up the good work Genevieve

    1. Wow, thank you! everyone! I'm sorry to bother anyone, but Joseph said it best... I did have other career aspirations before Choo Choo Soul, and chose to entertain and teach children instead. Woohoo! Thanks for the feedback! Everyone! We are all certainly entitled to our own opinions... especially when it comes to our kids!

    2. Genevieve - please don't apologize for anything. You're great and whoever hid behind their keyboard to put you down is a coward. Anyone who refers to their husband as a "sexy hubby" should be embarrassed. Keep up the great work and we'll keep watching you!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I'm with you IrishDaddy!!! I'm a work at home Dad and my kids love Choo Choo Soul and any other show that keeps them active when they're inside! If the poster of this blog did her research on nursery rhymes..she would have found out that most of the nursery rhymes she teaches her kids are all about
      1. Ring Around the Rosy (translation; Bubonic Plaque)
      2. Little Lady who lived in a Shoe (translation; lady with lots of kids that she starves and abuses)
      3. Jack and Jill (translation; the beheading of King Louis XVI {Jack} and his Queen Marie Antoinette {Jill}
      4. Georgie Porgie (translation; homosexual sex scandal involving King Charles I)
      5. Mary Mary Quite Contrary...I saved this one for last. TRANSLATION: Its about Queen Mary (who is the subject of alot of nursery rhymes). The 'silver bells' refer to instruments of torture that crushed the thumb with a tightening of a screw, and 'cocleshells' were the torture devices that were attached to the genitals!
      'garden' refers to graveyard.
      The 'maids in a row' refers to rows of guillotines (nicknamed The Maiden):
      Mary Mary quite contrary,
      Hows does your garden grow?
      With silver bells and cockleshells,
      and pretty maids all in a row.
      So before you criticize and try to down someone because you "found" an artistic photo of them, do your research on the things YOU are teaching your OWN kids.

  2. Why would the author of this blog call Genevieve ghetto? Since you are the research junkie I am sure that you would have known that Genevieve was a professional recording artist before Choo Choo Soul. Thus, photos and other career aspirations perhaps not fitting of a kids entertainer.

    But seriously, ghetto? She has a soulful voice and allows kids to move in ways that perhaps you don't allow them to move in your home.

    Get over it gurl.

  3. id like to see the author of this blog come out with a successful they prolly just stay behing their

  4. Choo-choo Soul is totally ghetto! Didn't anyone notice the graffiti on the side of the train?

  5. Keep up the good work Genevieve. My 4 y/o son loves your Choo Choo Soul vids too.

  6. My son LOVES Choo Choo Soul. And I love Genevieve's voice. For those that just rag on her clearly have jealousy issues they need to take care of. Awesome work Genevieve and keep it up :)

  7. The author is a TROLL and a hater. You are what is wrong with our society. You are a self important, arrogant, and an annoying "mommy" who is completely narrow minded.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. One more vote for Choo Choo Soul! I love her.

  10. I'm a stay at home dad and I find most children's programming annoying and repititious but Choo Choo Soul gets my little 2yo princess hoping around, dancing, and smiling and that's enough for me. I cherish any opportunity to have my baby dance with me. Children's programming is just that..."CHILDREN'S" programming. It's sad this blogger spent this much time on a 3-minute bump every couple of hours. She is obviously in the minority on this. Also, Genevieve's charitable work is commendable. Keep up the great work!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My 18 month old son LOVES Choo Choo Soul!!! I honestly have no feeling one way or the other, but if your child likes it, I don't understand what the big deal is. Just don't watch or listen to it.

  13. I think Genevieve is great and the kids love her...Some people are just jealous and have nothing better to do with their time other than looking for ways to try and judge people..Who cares about what she has done in her past, look at what she is doing today... Its not like she done anything wrong...its a picture and its very pretty by the way...To all of the people judging...GET A LIFE

  14. i woke up early today and planned on cooking breakfast for my wife and two daughters. but the 4 year old must woke up too and i was forced to find a distraction. when the channel surfing ended at choo choo soul she was happy and i was ready to make cheesy eggs. however i found myself transfixed on the conductor so the bacon never fried. soon after, the rest of the family woke up and joined us on the couch. everyone was happy (hungry but happy)
    maybe supermommy should focus a little more on sexyhubby and let me keep an eye on jenny from the ghetto....

  15. Ghetto???!
    At first I became a bit offended by this post. Then I reflected a bit and realized that this person may not be a racist and may be just a "hater". If it truly is Genevieve Goings who replied to this post I am extremely proud of her for stepping in and standing up for herself.
    Choo Choo Soul is a fantastic segment for Disney. It deserves to have an entire show. Entertaining, fun, amazingly sweet and I and my kids absolutely love it!
    Come on "isthatpooporchocolate?", this blog post is not Chocolate...

  16. I absolutely LOVE choo choo soul! They rock, they have music that is multicultural, and the poster of the blog must be a miserable hag who can't sing or doesn't have any rhythm to not be feeling that segment. I wish they had a show!!! Our son absolutely LOVES this show and it's characters and anything that is healthy for a child and gets them interacting with it fully is GREAT! Most of the shows on tv now are mindless and leave our children as lifeless zombies. I love that my child gets to get up, move, and be himself after watching bubble guppies or Mickey mouse clubhouse. Keep up the good work Genevieve!

  17. My boys and I love choo choo soul!!! Keep up the good work Genevieve we all love you!

  18. I think Choo Choo Soul is Awesome i have a 4 month old son and he loves it and not to sound creepy but i think i have a crush on the woman who sings the songs shes pretty and her voice is on point

  19. Guess Super Mommy didn't get the support she expected. My 12mo old and I love choo choo soul. Who cares what she does outside of the Disney studio. As long as Disney doesn't start airing half naked photos of her, I could care less what she chooses to. And as for super mommy, I find it a bit hypocritical that she feels she should be able to share her opinion, but then chooses to delete some of the things other people have posted.

  20. I agree with Sarah in that Genevieve's Chop Chop role is just one of her acting and singing jobs. Unfortunately, "SOCIETY" looks for faults in everyone especially anyone associated with children. So if Genevieve had prior roles that weren't absolutely Disneyesque, she will be criticized. My granddaughter watches Chop Chop with no problems.

  21. I guess she can be a little ambiguous but that's alright.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Ofcourse she's jealous of Genevieve! Who wouldn't be...she gets to hang out with smexy DC! My toddler loves Choo Choo Soul...we dance together & when it comes on he squeals & runs up to me ready to boogie. I love it! And The Small Potatoes are flippin awesome! I wonder how super mommy feels about Big Block Sing Song? Oh and opinions are like assholes...everyone has one but NO ONE likes to hear them! Fart ANALogy...bwahahaha

  24. I don't understand "mommy" in this post. Why the phrase "Ghetto"? Is that term used simply because Genevieve sings with soul and has a DJ of color? The show is all about teaching kids their ABC's, 123's, nursery rhymes and encouraging them to get up and move about--it does not reflect on race or culture at all. What is wrong with that? Obviously plenty, since it did not come in a packaged she liked.

  25. Sorry but I find choo choo soul to be a bit ghetto-ish lol Jaja but that's ok cause so am I xD

  26. My daughter LOVES Genevieve! She is bright, happy and entertaining. My family enjoys the songs and the segment. We actually met Genevieve at a Imagination Movers concert and she was nothing but a personable, and classy lady. Perhaps the author should look into herself and wonder why she would label someone "Ghetto".. As a person who grew up in the "ghetto" I take offense at the ideology that anything ghetto is lowly or substandard.Just remember Cinderella's story from rags to riches is the story that inspires. The author needs to grow up. Women, especially mothers, should be looking to build other women up. Petty jealousy and sniping has no place in the world of a "Super Mommy".

  27. This lady does have a set of lungs and is really in the wrong industry she should be a singer she has the voice and the look. But the show is getto and looks like most of the girls that lived in my old neighborhood when I was a younger when I had to live there. But embrace how you are I guess that Disney tries to be diverse so they can't be called racist or whatever it is that they are always accusing someone of. And although I enjoy this woman's voice there is no way I would ever let my 2 year watch her show there are enough shows out there that teach inCorrect speech. Ebonics is everywhere now and I will try my best to keep it away from my little one for as long as possible.

  28. Not to say the people themselves are ghetto in real life it is the show that is ghetto they are actors only.

  29. I guess I am confused by all of this and especially that last comment. So she is Ghetto because the music has some soul to it! I watched about 12 different videos of choo choo soul on you tube. I was looking for improper english and ebonics. I found none this show is as about as ghetto as Dr. Seuss. In fact Genevieve pronounces all the words correctly and perfectly, and uses real words. The mickey mouse club used the same dance moves and no one called it ghetto, but because of the two actors the show is ghetto. Interesting it was not ghetto when little Brittany Spears, and Justin Timberlake did it on the Mickey Mouse Club. Although I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion I am still surprised at how closed minded and ignorant people can be.
    Just so ya'll know here is the meaning of Ghetto - an impoverished, neglected, or otherwise disadvantaged ... being taken to concentration camps (this definition is rarely used in daily discussion). The next time you call something Ghetto think about what you are saying. As a multi-racial girl from the ghetto I equally hate it when someone says I talk white. No I talk proper nothing wrong with either one. Let's be clear!

  30. Sounds like super mom is a super dud. If you have nothing nice to say shut up. Its a kids show. Maybe if you spend time with your kids instead if putting them in front of the tv while you serve the net. You wouldn't be jealous of someone else teaching your kid.

  31. This blog entry is definitely not chocolate. "Ghetto" indeed.

  32. My kids love Choo Choo Soul, both on radio Disney and on the Disney TV channels. I think it is a sad state of the times that if you don't like something you have to put it down so vociferously and so viciously. When I don't like someone or something, I can simply say I don't like it and I am teaching my daughters to do the same. Being insulting to something you don't like is childish and lacks a certain refinement, which may be what you meant by ghetto, no? But I turn on the Disney channel because it is childish....don't you?

  33. I don't like Choo Choo Soul either. I mute it or change the channel when it comes on. Not everyone will have the same opinions, so I'm not sure why this author is deemed a "troll" just because she has a different opinion that some of you. As for the lady that stars, I don't care if she has a sexy isn't appearing on Disney, is it? I hate the songs though...all the classic Disney songs being remade into annoying pop songs. My 4 year old doesn't like it either. But again...we have our own opinions and I sincerely doubt that my 4 year old is a "troll" just saying she doesn't like what you like for the fun of it.

    1. It's not the opinion of not liking the show that everyone's pointing out. It's the pretentiousness of this woman, going out of her way to put someone in a negative life, by attacking them for having a life outside entertaining children.

      Oh, and she's showing some unresolved issues, too. She sounds a lot like an ultra-conservative, biting her lip not to say, "Why is this woman bringing this black music to Disney Junior?"

      Just because she brings a kid-friendly, non-offensive hip-hop/soul music style in brief segments, on a lineup of shows that are predominantly with white main characters and anything but hip-hop/soul music, doesn't mean she's bringing "a little bit of ghetto" to Disney Junior.

      This brief instance of the show isn't going to do anything to the children but make them get up and dance around--just as they do with everything on Disney Junior. They're just going to dance along more to the guy who dances to the music, and get their little hearts some exercise. It isn't like the kids are going to go out and buy the latest Eminem album. I don't see the problem here. But what I do see is a mother showing a bit more about herself than her mere distaste for Choo Choo Soul. Maybe she could stand to watch a Disney Junior show on a little diversity and respecting others different from yourself.

      I can respect someone's personal taste in not being a fan of a particular style, but this lady's showing a little more sentiment than mere personal taste. Of course, this is her blog and she's free to do such, but she shouldn't put it out in the public, awaiting public response, and not expect people to criticize her criticism.

  34. Think it's time Super Mommy gets out of the house. Was trying to find info about Genevieve after watching a Choo Choo Soul segment because yes she does have a very good voice. Only to come across someone trying to do some "investigative reporting" & think she's exposing some big secret.
    Tell me, how is she ghetto again???? You're way too bored at home, lady.

  35. Ha ha ha she was watching Cho cho Soul....because she notice Genevieve. Mommy Loser. Get a life lady. Or look at your mirror...maybe you are the ghetto. Or like we said in Mexican...Ponte a hacer algo senora.

  36. I love choo choo soul!!!! Genevieve is the bomb!!!!! its not even ghetto! Its HIP HOP!!!

  37. What I find funny is half-a$*ed investigation. Your worried about her under a blanket and yet I bet you and your kids which I really hope for the sake of humanity you don't have watched Miley make America gag on stage at the vma awards... Or how about any of the other garbage that is "acceptable" tv. But really if your going to dig up past endeavors why didn't you do some research on Walt Disney. You know, the guy that started the Disney empire??? You know how he started out?!? It wasn't Mickey Mouse... Walt started in entertainment as a.... DRUMROLL PLEASE...... A porn producer. Bet you didn't see that one coming. Or the fact that before he died he went absolutely bonkers. .. so maybe you should actually teach your kids the facts of the world instead of the ill thought and emotional based half thought out opinions. ..

  38. the lamest blog on the block, this is poop

  39. Choo choo soul is awesome. My 2 year old loves her songs. She looks great in a picture---so what? Pull the stick out of your chocolate, and get off your high horse. Find something legitimate to complain about, like starving-underprivileged children, and do something about it instead of complaining about being jealous of a women who is helping teach kids their abc's.

  40. The author is just jealous that Genevieve is probably sexier, talented, and more successful than her. Additionally, she keeps her kids entertained.. Including her "never would admit it" husband.

  41. I understand where she is coming from. It is a bit hypocritical to do children's television and still come off the way she does. Totally agree with the blog author.

    1. Why? She's not doing anything scandalous or wrong here. So, she's done some modeling suited for grown people?

      Her other professional pursuits aren't broadcast to the children she entertains, and any naive gasping parent who might stumble upon her other work by pure chance (or, in this case, deliberately search out to find it) need a serious reality check.

      People who entertain and educate children have lives and pursuits outside entertaining and educating children. Heck, even "mommy and daddy" have lives outside their kids.

      As long as they're not crossing any lines and their adult work is interfering with their work with children, I don't see why you or anyone else think it's your duty to criticize her. You're putting this woman in a negative light she simply wasn't standing in. Shame on you.

  42. Peace soul.

    Supper Mommy,
    Dear one, you must be a lost one. Texas environment probably? Find happiness inside you dear, "Ghetto" as you call it, to put people down won't bring joy and solve all the problems in your life.
    Yoga, sports and positive mind , BE part of the solution of this world my dear, not the opposite.
    All of us, no matter the color and ethnicity and environment, we are humans who should care for each other. Light and love in your life dear.

  43. My kids love you and DC......our older son (7) has autism and he just loves music so he truly connected with this segment! Thank you for what you do!

  44. Super Mommy sounds jealous. I'm sure she doesn't actually know Ms. Genevieve, but she feels compelled to attack her character... Chill out, lady......

  45. I'm late to the party but as far as I'm concerned Genevieve gives Dads a reason to watch TV with their kids...reminds me of Xuxa back in the early 90's, but then I'd be dating myself.

  46. I'm pretty late here, but wow, I think you're showing some unresolved ugliness here. She's entitled to a life beyond children's entertainment. So, she's done modeling and other pursuits besides entertaining children? It's not like her life's scandalized or anything.

    And while you judge her work on Choo Choo Soul, were you aware that she's also the warm-toned narrator voice for Disney Junior, as well as the very same one singing the Disney Junior theme song? Nothing "ghetto" about her work there. Though, if you personally don't like Choo Choo Soul, there's no reason to publicly insult her about it.

  47. Genevieve, my three kids have been watching you since birth! They jump up and start dancing the second you come on screen, they love you and the music! Keep it up! Love you!!!

  48. I think your so so pretty and its nice seeing a young women doing what your doing so keep doing what you are doing and for get the haters

  49. Wow. Way to tear down another women! What is wrong with you? How about you try to lift up a sister instead of insulting them to make yourself feel better. I hope you have no daughters and if you do, please do not raise them to be as narrow minded and narcissistic as you.

  50. Didn't you notice no one gives a flyin f***!!

  51. Hey Supermommy, stick to that little white ghetto of your mind and try not to drag your kids in with you so they have a chance at not being racist.

  52. I dont get it? Wheres the scandal if there is one? A pg modeling pic at best?

  53. Why is choo choo soul getto again? The children love it. I admire how Disney JR has a wide verity of music choices. Hell they got punk music on the neverland pirates. I think that children will grow up to appreciate all sorts of music instead of being narrow minded like when I was growing up.

  54. Why is choo choo soul getto again? The children love it. I admire how Disney JR has a wide verity of music choices. Hell they got punk music on the neverland pirates. I think that children will grow up to appreciate all sorts of music instead of being narrow minded like when I was growing up.

  55. Typical.... Just like someome to be sooo ignorant. Get a life lady... Smh

  56. Typical.... Just like someome to be sooo ignorant. Get a life lady... Smh

  57. Seems bloggers simply go against rational thinkers and people with good taste just to get some attention. Either that or you're just a CoUNTry.

  58. Seems bloggers simply go against rational thinkers and people with good taste just to get some attention. Either that or you're just a CoUNTry.

  59. What exactly is the point the blogger thinks she is making her? What exactly is the PSA she is broadcasting? Is it really just "Look at me, I'm a bigoted cunt?"

  60. Bahaha, someone is jealous. I can smell it from here. The only thing poopy is your distain, a woman who thinks she needs to bring down another for the purpose of looking better than her. Keep that trash out of here!

  61. My 2 year old loves this show.. Good work lady keep it up. The songs get irritating some times but not cause of her but because my 2 year old watches this on demand all day long. But he learns a lot from her. And who cares if she does something else now or has done other work... She's still a great person and teaches our kids... Yay for her stop knocking her down....

  62. what are her other career aspirations?
