Have any of you heard of the website Toygaroo? It's basically the "Netflix for toys". Toygaroo allows parents to rent toys for a fraction of the retail price. Just like with Netflix, you pick a rental plan, add toys to your queue or "wishlist", and the toys are delivered to your home. You must return rented toys before you can get subsequent toys on your wishlist.
(You'll notice the home page shows a kangaroo wearing a Santa hat, his pouch full of gifts. There's also a really happy family of 4 wearing Santa hats and holding pretty presents in their hands (used toys).)
This toy rental service is particularly geared toward younger children who tend to get bored with their toys more quickly than older children. Additionally, if a child falls in love with a rented toy, parents have the option of purchasing said (used) toy at a discount. According to one website, this rental service is also meant to help struggling parents who are faced with the challenge of balancing their child's holiday wishlist with "budgetary constraints".
Think this is all a bit unsanitary? According to Toygaroo, they utilize an intense 3-step sanitization process to ensure "no yuck factor".
What do you think about renting toys? What about renting toys as Christmas presents? Terrible or terrific? My vote? Letting your kids unwrap gifts on Christmas morning that they aren't meant to keep? Terrible! As for the general concept itself (excluding Christmas time), it might have been practical except for the cost. It might actually be more cost efficient to buy the toy and if your kid hates it or gets bored of it, sell it! But that's just my opinion. What do you think?
I also cringe when i hear that whistle blow.. I quickly fly across rm to change channel. Annoying, not at all disney-ish to me. Of course the men out there are all for a latin women while watching a "kids channel" w/their children... So.... Enough said