
Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday's Menu: Witches Hat Cookies

Okay, so obviously this isn't a real recipe with real ingredients.  And no, this isn't my idea of baking (for any of you who are shaking your head as you thumb through Martha Stewart's newest cookbook.)  But it's a cute Halloween snack idea if you're in a pinch, because they're so cute and super easy.  Plus, most of you already have all three ingredients sitting in your cupboard.   

Don't get me wrong, I personally love baking, so I don't usually mind going all out for a fun and delicious dessert.  But I know there are those times that we have to pull some fab dessert out of our butts and we simply do not have the time, energy, money, or desire to do so... especially depending on what kind of day you've had.  So, if you're in a situation like this, I give you complete permission to cheat and feel guiltless about it.  And I'm providing you the instructions on how to do so! 

32 Hershey's Kisses
1 package (11.5 oz) Keebler Fudge Striped Cookies
1 tube of decorator icing

1) Attach 1 Hershey Kiss to the chocolate bottom of each cookie using decorator icing
2) Pipe decorator icing around the base of each each Kiss.
3) Eat, enjoy, and soak in all "Super Mom" praises you are bound to get...

For more cute Halloween snack ideas, check out the Betty Crocker website.  Betty rocks!

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